Dirk Schubert Lab of Cellular NeuroPhysiology
Schubert Neurolab @ Cognitive Neuroscience Department, Donders Institute for Brain Cognition & Behavior
Radboudumc Nijmegen, The Netherlands
© 2021 | Impressum: Dirk Schubert, CNS Dept Radboudumc, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Collaborating Groups Cellular Neurophysiology (Schubert lab) & Molecular Neurophysiology (Nadif-Kasri Lab)
The PhD & Postdoc Alumnis
Former bachelor or master students (since 2019):
Alessia Anania - University of Genova: Erasmus Ms student
Rick Hesen - Bachelor student Biomedical Sciences
Lukas Lütje - Master student Molecular Life Sciences
Jitske Bak - Master student Molecular Life Sciences
Maren Bormann - Master student Biomedical Sciences
Carleen Rossink - Master student HAN Bioinformatics
Bram Bosch - Master student HAN Bioinformatics
Nadine Maas - Master student Biomedical Sciences (2020)
Anna Bleeck - Bachelor & Master Student Molecular Life Sciences (2020/2021)
Irene Santisteban Ortiz - Master student Biomedical Sciences (2021)
Franziska Kampshoff - Master student Biomedical Sciences (2021)